Tuesday 15 April 2008


The Virus of Tolerance
Tolerance is the credo of the age, the great rallying call of modern liberalism. Tolerate and be tolerated, they say. Tolerate to all alike.

But what are the limits of tolerance? To tolerate is to accept things that are strange or unpleasant to you. You tolerate things that are different from you in nature and expectation. Without a reasonable amount of tolerance, no society would be able to function for long. But at the same time the flip side of tolerance is that to tolerate a behavior is to perpetuate it.

If your neighbor plays loud music at 1 o'clock in the morning and you tolerate it for a while, you've given permission to him to continue doing so and getting him to stop will now prove much more difficult than if you had put your foot down from the beginning.

And that is the crux of the matter, because there are behaviors that we accept, behaviors that we tolerate and behaviors that are unacceptable. The liberal credo of tolerance though has eliminated two of the categories and warped language and attitudes to equate tolerance with acceptance and to all but eliminate the idea of unacceptable behaviors entirely, as long as they are grounded in a different culture.

Tolerance for liberals means acceptance. While the larger society may not accept, when it begins to tolerate, acceptance is the next and final step of the process. When liberals say tolerate, what they really mean is not 'tolerate' in its original sense of not interfering, but to mean acceptance and accommodation.

That is why we must be careful of what we tolerate, because intolerance is the gatekeeper, the immune system that acts as a barrier. There are things for which that barrier should be lowered and things for which it should remain in place. A society that universally tolerates everything is a society without values or defense mechanisms.

When the defense mechanisms no longer exist, when the gate is permanently raised and the immune system disabled, the society is open and vulnerable to conquest, exploitation and colonization. A society eager to tolerate its intolerant enemies is like an AIDS patient with no working immune system welcoming in cold sufferers or an unarmed man offering a hug to an opponent who is trying to stab him to death. Yet that is almost exactly the situation we are in.

Liberalism does not promote a universally tolerant society. Instead it promotes something far worse. Intolerance toward the immune system itself, toward the gatekeepers and the traditional and conservative elements of the society combined with a limitless tolerance toward the foreign invasion. This is not merely apathetic tolerance, it is tolerance turned virulent. It is tolerance turned into a virus that kills the host society.

Liberal society today is the AIDS patient actively seeking infection and throwing out his medication. It's the unarmed man going to the most dangerous part of town and threatening the police with a lawsuit if they try to protect him.

Like most things tolerance is a dangerous thing. To tolerate is to give your consent, your permission to an act or a way of life. Be careful of what you tolerate and remember to be wary of whether the things and people you tolerate-- are equally willing to tolerate you.



Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

Hey Defender ... thanks for standing up for the topic I was commenting on , on Sarah's blog ... uh , Sarah of whatever ( Albion ?) , can't think of it right off .

I hopped over here to your blog and what's the first thing catches my eye - The Virus of Tolerance . Man , you sure hit that nail square on the head !

I don't know if she's a young liberal or just coming out of that " illness " , but I suppose she didn't like my usage of that dreaded " N " word - nigger ( maybe YOU'LL delete me too ) . But when the shoe fits ...

I don't often resort to using it , certainly not being a new comer on someone elses' blog ... but man , you read all the absolutely horrible things they do to our people , especially our women ... and if ya got an ounce of white blood in ya , I cannot understand how someone CANNOT be absolutely outraged .

And I did preface it , acknowledging there are good BLACK men , who honestly try and they also believe segregation is best for all races . But ... our people are so thoroughly programmed to react in an apologetic manner , most often detrimental to our own cause . Stoning the messenger rather than heeding the message .

Appeasement , talks and concessions have been increasingly made over the years by generation after generation of our people ... and look at the results . You will NEVER satify the rabble . They sense weakness and will exploit it everytime .

It's a given this genocidal warfare will increase world wide , even if you don't believe that statement is Biblically substantiated as I do . Man , all we gotta do is OPEN OUR EYES !! It's all about dilute and destroy the white race and his civilisation . Take care .

Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

... she had deleted my other comments , so I guess I'll darken that door no more . Wish her and all yall well though .

defender said...

Its a bit more than that Reb, its not a colour thing at all. Those who pull the colour string also pull the white string.
The NWO does not mind which colour/ tribe comes out on top, the job would have been done.
Its these mysterous , secret, very rich and powerful puppet masters who are shaping events.
Like our leaders your leaders are well into this game of control.
If you are inclined to look, find the organisations they share in common. I think you will be surprised they are all under the same puppeteers.
I have nearly finished looking at this little gem, its pretty detailed and quite long have a look.

defender said...

You are still on sarahs blog, i just checked.
She is really a good woman from her writing. Good women cannot think like men, thank God, Its a shame that they will have to face what is coming along side the men. Dont be hard on her , she does mean well.

Jeff ( Va. Rebel ) said...

Defender ... I didn't mean to seem hard towards Sarah . Perhaps it's a bad habit of coming to expect the same ol responses you've dealt with over and over , and feeling frustrated . My apologies if she reads this .

I certainly agree with ya ... the guilty are spread throughout the races and the continents .
And also that there are elitists' above the elitists' . I've been studying it for a few years too . I'm tuned in .
I do believe America is at the forefront today , as concerning guilt of criminal acts - whether overtly or covertly , by commission or omission ... there's a lot of bloody hands .
And if not forefront , certainly a diligent and well paid , obedient proselyte coming up second .