Saturday 18 August 2007


Our leaders have us on a hearts and mind strategy against those who vow to kill us. There is no way that we can win their hearts and minds, no way at all. This strategy works against us by emboldening them and confusing us.How do you get a nation to submit? Here in the west we are subjected to a sophicated propongada offensive against us, we have massive problems with:
1: Debt and job insecurity, we are at the mercy of debt, we are hamstrung trying to deal with consumerism, housing and taxes. Most honest working people can no longer afford to spend the time raising their families as they should. instead most couples both have to work.
2: Drugs, as an island nation where 99% of addictive drugs are imported. Do a bit of research to see where it comes from, cocaine from south america, hash from north africa, heroin from Afganistan. The supply and price is very stable and has been for years. We are in afganistan where there has been a bumper crop this year because we defend the supply. One of the reasons our army was sent there was to make sure the crop got to market (IMO).
3: Alcohol, no longer from traditional pubs and working mens clubs but from supermarkets and consumed on the streets. Hardly any effective controls so our kids are binge drinkers.
4: Morals, hardly any, no respect, no church, MSM, liberal attitudes which remove our freedoms, pedophiles, break down of families, teen pregnancies, lack of care for our vulnerable.
5: Education, what a joke for the amount of resources put into it. Keep em dumb, then they wont know whats going on. make them feel educated so as to fool them easier.
6: Massive immigration to show we care about the suffering of the world. Which creates major problems with the infrastructure and social cohesion here, which we have to pay for in every respect and is legal because of the human rights act and the EU.
7: Stifle any opposition with accusations of being racist. No demos for us Brits unless its approved by the left/muslim as we have seen recently and at present with the current demo at Heathrow .
8: Make sure that the will of the people is never respected, ever . No referendum on the EU, no voice in politics, no objections to draconian laws and taxes, no representation of the people, no majority rule and lies, lies, lies.
9: Global warming: Add to the mix a false enemy, global warming, and we have a false feeling of fighting for something noble and right.
10: Fear of terror. This is the real ace in the hand, keeps us running around in circles all day long, fearing another blast at anytime, very handy tool that. do you think our government really wants to remove such a useful tool? Need more control, keep us in fear of our lives and any control legislation needed will sail through.If we were to do this to others, what we have been doing to ourselves, there would be condemnation from the whole world (UN). Yes we are losing our way of life, our hearts and minds are lost.
Hearts and minds are not the solution, it is the strategy being used against us. We need to use these tactics used against us so effectively on our enemies.
Whats to be done, get out while you can or stand your ground? How many have no choice but to stay. The rest of the world is not nearly as easy to get into as the UK. They will take our talented and rich but thats it.
We need to unite as a people and stand up for our rights. How likely is that to happen? Meanwhile another nail is put in the coffin......

Saturday 11 August 2007


i have lifted this complete and straight off Uppompii,

THEOPINIONATOR says - I wish I could lay claim to the below post as is so exquisitely expresses the thoughts of many English "old" boys (and gals).My thanks to "Albion" for placing this post on the ABEX website - the full post is below:Many times I have heard the phrase ‘life is too short’ and when you have lived more of your life than you have left to live one is inclined to agree. I have got to an age where I have to seriously consider whether I am too old to take up the violin. I don’t feel old; my brain is that of a teenager but the all-consuming drive to own ‘stuff’ and to impress the opposite sex has gone. That is a good thing as I now consider those youthful impulses as no more than a trivial distraction, being immaterial and of no consequence to ones future. That is the crutch or heavy baggage that one unknowingly carries in their early years. I served in the British army when Stalin was in power in Russia, when Franco was in charge of Spain, Tito was ruling a ‘United’ Yugoslavia, Chiang Kai Shek was being driven from mainland China into Taiwan and it was another 12 years before the Berlin Wall went up. I was a British soldier defending England, its freedom and its way of life, who the hell would I be defending now? Things change very quickly. I lived in an England when her empire was beginning to crumble. Time passes, now its own children are beginning to lose their sense of racial identity, and indeed the whole country is made to feel guilty of its proud history and ethnic uniqueness and is tragically losing its sense of purpose and direction. Our leader’s talk of embracing British and British-ness, they tell us we are not English any more and very shortly we will even cease to be British and become European. The England as I knew it will be no more; all this change has occurred in one person’s terrifyingly short lifetime. In my youth my country did not spawn ‘home grown’ terrorists, the person sitting next to me on the bus was English so was the bus conductor and the driver. Stop and think; what or who caused these catastrophic negative social changes to our once relatively lawful homogeneous society? It was not the people; it was our traitorous narcissistic politicians in collusion with the power hungry, corrupt European federalists. When my son reaches my age what will my country resemble? If nothing changes the descent into a European authoritarian autocracy will be total and absolute and the England I defended will be no more, the England my uncle died for will be unrecognizable and the England my grandfather God rest his soul, who fought in the boxer wars, would have recognized, would be a horrified. The politicians are still telling the grubby peasants they have the country and its peoples best interests at heart at the same time they are breaking up what was once a ‘United’ Kingdom and eroding the very fabric of a proud nation who feared no-one, who kowtowed to no-one and most certainly did not allow a totally foreign or exotic Eastern culture to affect, influence, dictate, threaten its security, its way of life or its future, and to change the English character of many of its major cities. What total screaming madness is changing the face of my country? What have our government done for its own people you might ask? Well they have put in place legal mechanisms to threaten and to silence its own people with incarceration if they dare object to this horror. This is the country I gave the best years of my youth for. I will make doubly certain that my son does not waste his youth as I did, sacrificing his immature youthful years believing in the lies of ‘home grown’ renegade, lying, and treasonous bloody imposters. Albion., ALBION!
Posted by The Opinionator at 11 Aug 2007, 4:14 PM Add Comment

Thursday 9 August 2007


Monday, 6 August 2007

We are too ignorant
Whats the point of having a history or culture if we do not relate to it. All this hard won experience is of no use if we ignore it. Lessons learnt the hard way are discarded for some kind of new way which flies in the face of history to our detriment. Do we feel that the problems of the world are our responsibility? Do we feel that because we have solved many of the mysteries of the world that we are somehow guilty because other cultures and nations are still not as developed as ours? Is the achievements we have made here in Brition so unacceptable to other in the world that we have to accept less than we should so they can feel included?
As a person who was born and brought up in another country I feel qualified to have an opinion on coming to this country for my own safety and well being. When I came here I had to accept that this country, Brition, was much better than the one I was born in and the last thing on my mind was bringing the useless bagage of that country with me. There are many millions of people who would give their right arm to be here, they que up for days at the British Embassy to apply for permission to come here, leaving behind all the ties that bind. The over riding fact is that they need to get out. So by making this effort they emotionally, physically and actually accept that their country is not a place where they can improve their circumstances.
Others risk life and limb to get here and others are allowed to just turn up and usually are given leave to stay.
The people of this country are the most tolerant people on this earth, bar none. Tolerate even the intollerant and in return get to be ridicule and abuse this great country in public without fear of retribution by the people or the state. Where else in the world would a person get so many benifits without even paying a penny into the system? But it is still not enough, the culture that they found so oppresive is the one they insist be allowed and respected. Mean while the British culture is disrespected and vilified as racist, unfair and immoral.
I cannot understand why the British people stand for it. As a Brition try moving to another country and try that, see how well that attitude is accepted?
I would have thought that the people coming here would do their utmost to be at least as British as the British and be grateful for the chance to have a new life. Some do and we are better for it but many many others have absolutely no desire to do so and indeed reject completly the notion of having to live with the native peoples who have made such sacrifices to accomadate them.
I warn you now, if you continue along this path every one of us will suffer. "Slaying the goose that lays the golden egg ." comes to mind.
Here is an anology which is apt.
The Giraffe and the Elephant
In a small suburban community, a giraffe had a new home built to his family’s specifications. It was a wonderful house for giraffes, with soaring ceilings and tall doorways. High windows ensured maximum light and good views while protecting the family’s privacy. Narrow hallways saved valuable space without compromising convenience. So well done was the house that it won the National Giraffe Home of the Year Award. The home’s owners were understandably proud.One day the giraffe, working in his state-of-the-art wood shop in the basement, happened to look out the window. Coming down the street was an elephant. "I know him," he thought. "We worked together on a PTA committee. He’s an excellent woodworker too. I think I’ll ask him in to see my new shop. Maybe we can even work on some projects." So the giraffe reached his head out the window and invited the elephant in.The elephant was delighted; he had liked working with the giraffe and looked forward to knowing him better. Besides, he knew about the wood shop and wanted to see it. So he walked up to the basement door and waited for it to open."Come in; come in," the giraffe said. But immediately they encountered a problem. While the elephant could get his head in the door, he could go no farther."It’s a good thing we made this door expandable to accommodate my wood shop equipment," the giraffe said. "Give me a minute while I take care of our problem." He removed some bolts and panels to let the elephant in.The two acquaintances were happily exchanging woodworking stories when the giraffe’s wife leaned her head down the basement stairs and called her husband: "Telephone, dear; it’s your boss.""I’d better take that upstairs in the den," the giraffe told the elephant. "Please make yourself at home; this may take a while."The elephant looked around, saw a half-finished project on the lathe table in the far corner, and decided to explore it further. As he moved through the doorway that led to the area of the shop, however, he heard an ominous scrunch. He backed out, scratching his head. "Maybe I’ll join the giraffe upstairs," he thought. But as he started up the stairs, he heard them to begin to crack. He jumped off and fell back against the wall. It too began to crumble. As he sat there disheveled and dismayed, the giraffe came down the stairs."What on earth is happening here?" the giraffe asked in amazement.I was trying to make myself at home," the elephant said.The giraffe looked around. "Okay, I see the problem. The doorway is too narrow. We’ll have to make you smaller. There’s an aerobics studio near here. If you’d take some classes there, we could get you down to size.""Maybe," the elephant said, looking unconvinced."And the stairs are too weak to carry your weight," the giraffe continued. "If you took a ballet class at night, I’m sure we could get you light on your feet. I really hope you’ll do it. I like having you here.""Perhaps," the elephant said. "But to tell you the truth, I’m not sure a house designed for a giraffe will ever really work for an elephant, not unless there are some major changes."
The qustion this raises for me is, Why would you want an elephant in the room? Surly it will not work out for you or the elephant and it will be you who will be more than likely not have a house.
This is The United Kingdom of Great Britain not the united nations, if you do not find it to your liking please leave as soon as possible, we wish you good luck, happiness and hope you find a place where you can be contented. For us who want to be here and accept this way of life we would very much like to carry on improving this great nation with hard work and pride.
Posted by defender at 13:34 2 comments

Wednesday 8 August 2007


When will they be digging up Churchill to take him to task for his views on Islam?

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries.
Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities.
Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith.
It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

108 Years later, guess what, they have not changed one bit, as a matter of fact they have gotten more determined to spread their evil and wicked cult.

I am no expert on Islam nor do I want to be, but common sense and following the information on the web, newspapers, tv , radio and from what I see for myself tells me that this cult should be kept as far as possible away from a nation such as Britain. Not to do so is bringing nothing but serious trouble which I fear will bring the warning from Churchill home.
Are we thick? Yes I am beginning to think we are . We cannot see the storm clouds of tribulation and grief which is fast approaching. There is lightening and thunder crashing around us already and we are totally ignorant as to what is happening. We are in denial, we refuse to face the facts, we believe those who are clearly saying we are not worthy of life and take our lives on a regular basis are not doing so. We just don't seem to want to know, we wring our hands and say it must be our fault because we cant believe that they can be so evil.
We have so much information at our finger tips and still we refuse to see. Against all the evidence the government will do not a lot, only a few extremist, nothing to worry about, you will be arrested if you say there is a problem. They can take to the street and say the most contemptible things about this country and its people without interference , we cant even identify the problem without fear of arrest and ridicule. They can say in public any damn thing they like and if we complain, claim we are taking things out of context and its because we are racist.
The wars we are fighting and losing our service men to bring democracy to these heathen is a total waste of time, we are losing big time. We are wasting our resources, we have even lost our democracy. We are in self destruct mode and there is nothing we can do about it unless we change ourselves. We have become fat, lazy and stupid. Our lives have been taken over by debt, crime, injustice, selfishness and denial.
There will be an awakening, we will have to stand up and be counted if we want this country free and democratic. Its getting to the point of no return and there will be a hell of a price to pay and its going to be our children who will be paying. Your fancy houses belong to the banks, your jobs will be gone, your forign holidays will be a thing of the past, your children will be taught to be compliant, you will be stressed out of your minds, forget your pensions and all because you are thick and lazy.
Do you think that world war 2 was the last great war we will have to face? Guess what, the next one has already started like it or not. Guess who will pay in blood and treasure? You and your children like it or not. Guess whose fault it is ? Its your fault for not standing up and doing something about it instead of whinging and moaning. At some point you will pay a very heavy price for being thick and lazy.
Think I am wrong, thats what has got us to where we are now. This world war will last decades and we are losing. Politics in this country is a sham, our police are so politically correct they are useless in this case, our army is knackered, demoralised and ill equipted , our borders are open, we have every sort of undesireable and enemy freely moving around and organising, our media are hopeless, our people are thick. Do you care, na didnt think so.
What about your human rights, are they respected? No mate not as much as theirs. Does that bother you, I dont think you even realise whats going on. You are going to be so pissed off when you finally figure out what has been going on. Your head is up your arrse so far I dont know how you breathe, you are brain dead.
I agree with what Churchill has said many years ago, that makes me weird dosent it.
Never mind, you submit like a good dhimmie, its just what you deserve.