Thursday 15 May 2008

The Modern History Project Featured commentary:
Propaganda, Terrorism and Hypocrisy

Articles > Books > FinalWarning
Final Warning: A History of the New World Order
Illuminism and the master plan for world domination
-- by David Rivera, 1994 source: View From the Wall

:: With hyperlinks to the MHP database. Follow links for related info ::
Table of Contents
MHP Editors Preface
About this book
1: The Birth of Tyranny
The Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the House of Rothschild
1.1: The Freemasons
A brief history of the Freemasons in England and America
1.2: The Order of the Illuminati
The development of the Order of the Illuminati, and their infiltration of the Masonic Lodge
1.3: The Illuminati in America
The Illuminati organization spreads from Europe to America
1.4: The Rothschilds
The formation of the Rothschild banking dynasty and their support of the Illuminati program
2: Financial Background
The history of U.S. central banking, the income tax, and the private foundations of the elite
2.1: The Bank of the United States
European financial interests attempt to recapture the United States
2.2: Creation of the Federal Reserve System
Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Jekyll Island and the creation of the Fed
2.3: The Federal Reserve System Begins Operation
Theft of the gold, fiat currency, inflation, and debt slavery
2.4: The Federal Income Tax
Collecting the interest payments for the owners of the Federal Reserve
2.5: Tax-exempt Foundations
How the elite protects their wealth while controlling education, research and public policy
3: World War I and the League of Nations
War profiteering, the League of Nations, and the seal of the Illuminati
4: Communism and Racial Tension
Promoting racial tension to destabilize American society
5: Elite Political Organizations
The Fabian Socialists, the Round Table and the Council on Foreign Relations
5.1: The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars
The Rhodes-Milner group continues the Illuminati program
5.2: The Council on Foreign Relations
The origin and goals of the elite U.S. policy organization
5.3: CFR Influence in Government, Media and Business
The pervasive influence of CFR members over all aspects of society
5.4: The Rise and Fall of Richard Nixon
Nelson Rockefeller, the CFR, and their role in the Nixon Presidency
6: World War II
How the Illuminati engineered the war to further the world government program
6.1: The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
A document of dubious origin that reveals the Illuminati program of control
6.2: World War II and the Buildup of Communism
The rise of Adolf Hitler, the financing of German industry, and the buildup of Soviet Communism
6.3: The Pearl Harbor Deception
Roosevelt intentionally provoked Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor
7: The Spread of Communism
The origin and worldwide spread of Communism
7.1: The Origins of Communism
Socialist and communist experiments during the 1700s and 1800s
7.2: Marx, Engels and the Socialist International
Karl Marx, the Communist Manifesto, and the rise of Socialism in Europe
7.3: Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolshevik Revolution
The Soviet Union is formed with the financial support of the Western oligarchs
7.4: Stalin and Western Support of the Soviet Union
Stalin takes power, the Soviets fight the Nazis, and the bankers control both sides
7.5: Communist Revolutions in China and Asia
Communists allowed to take over China, Korea, South Asia and Vietnam
7.6: Communist Revolution in Cuba
Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba with U.S. support, leading to a showdown with the Soviets
7.7: The Soviet Challenge to America
Soviet rhetoric, subversion, military preparation, and deception
8: Moving Towards Global Government
The United Nations, the European Union and other global organizations
8.1: The United Nations
The founding of the U.N. and the push for a Socialist world government
8.2: The European Union
European cooperation after WW2 and the formation of the European Union
8.3: The Bilderberg Group
The origins and influence of the premier international policy planning group
8.4: The Seven Sisters
OPEC, the Seven Sisters, and control of the petroleum industry
8.5: The Club of Rome and Population Reduction
The Club of Rome, the Limits to Growth, and the AIDS epidemic
8.6: International Trade Agreements
The globalisation of the economy via GATT, NAFTA and the WTO
9: Consolidating Government Power
The Trilateral Commission, the Federal government, and the rise of the police state
9.1: The Trilateral Commission
The Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and control of the White House
9.2: Centralization of Government Power
Federal districts, Executive orders, replacing the U.S. Constitution
9.3: The Rise of the Police State
Social instability, military police, gun confiscation, and detention camps
List of Source Documents
Sources referenced in Final Warning
People - Organizations - Events

Monday 12 May 2008

Islam is Democracy's cancer

The most basic demand for participating in any program is the ability to abide by its rules. When it comes to Democracy, the most basic rule is that there is no absolute power and that the democratic system remain place. Winning and losing in a democracy is not a zero sum game and multiple parties and multiple viewpoints come to the table, hammer out compromises and keep the country running. A party may lose one election but then come back and win another one. Violence gets shelved as a tool of transition.

Politics outside Democratic rules often yields zero sum games, ruthless contents of will and power, in which the punishment for political failure is imprisonment or death. Democracy is meant to shift that balance by allowing different sides to participate. What it requires however is that all sides abide by the premise of democracy, that the democratic system itself remain in place from turn to turn. That is the one thing Islamic parties can't and won't do.

Within a democracy, totalitarian parties are a trojan horse, whether they are Communist or Nazi or Islamist. They cannot be allowed to exist because they participate in the democratic process only with the endgame of ending democracy once they have amassed enough power.

Yet many British seemed to have trouble understanding this when it came to the Communist party, because the Democratic process, like the Geneva Convention and the Constitution and other consensual agreements, has been mischaracterized as universal. But no agreement is universal. An agreement can only exist between peoples or groups who agree to abide by its terms. Human rights cannot apply to those who violate them. Conventions on the treatment of prisoners do not apply to those who do not follow them. Democracy does not apply to the un-democratic and the anti-democratic.

Islamist party in the Muslim world and the West have learned to mimic the tactics of the Communist parties, to put on a Democratic facade for the West, to give lip service to the Democratic process while slowly taking over from the inside.

The election of a Muslim party to power is a De Facto coup, it's only a matter of time until the actual takeover happens. When it does, there may still be elections as in Iran, but the only ones running will be approved Islamist parties. Because while we may fail to understand that Democracy is a consensual agreement, the Islamist enemy understands it quite well and their system is quickly set up to suppress non-Islamist and Anti-Islamist organizations from within any electoral process.

And that is why Islam is Democracy's cancer, adept at exploiting Democracy's institutions and rules, its respect for human rights and sentimental willingness to believe that anyone can participate and become ennobled by the process, to come to power.

The false view of democracy as universal, rather than limited to those who accept its premises, has led to multiple disasters as the Government has championed "Democracy" in Gaza, in Lebanon, in Egypt and Pakistan, only to be rewarded with terrorism and the rise of the Islamists, time and time again.

Now Rice is set to join the EU in backing Erdogan's Islamist party in Turkey over its secularist opponents. Never mind that the secularist military and political establishment were reliable American allies, while Erdogan has fed hatred of America. Never mind that Erdogan's AKP has conducted an assault on its opposition and subverted the judiciary. Never mind that Erdogan's AKP has undermined the War in Iraq from the start. Erdogan wants Turkey to join the EU... and that is enough for the EU to support him and apparently enough for Rice to stab the United States and its allies once again in the back... and back the totalitarian ambitions of an Islamic party.

Many "thinkers" such as John Esposito and Noah Feldman have resumed championing the discredited idea that Islam is Democratic or leads to Democracy, when the overwhelming evidence of history and geo-politics is not on their side. Not only is Islam not democratic, but by its very nature it is anti-democratic.

The Separation of Church and State in Turkey or anywhere else, protects government from religion and religion from government. Religion by its very nature holds by uncompromising absolutes. Government in a democracy deals in compromises. When government and religion bleed into each other, either religion becomes compromised or government becomes uncompromising. The former leads to the sort of hollow secularized religion you can see in the Church of England. The latter leads to the sort of fanaticism that drowns half a world in blood.

The fusion of Islam and democracy is a nightmare written in blood. It's an old nightmare over a thousand years old brought to life again by rising oil prices and Western weakness.

Meanwhile the consensual agreements that have formed the institutions of the West have become mischaracterized as universal, leaving Western institutions with no defense against the cancer of Islamism.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Modern Britain: No Laughing Matter

Published on The Brussels Journal (
Modern Britain: No Laughing Matter
By A. Millar
Created 2008-05-01 09:03

Earlier generations of Britons believed that certain things simply could not happen in Britain. Even in the country’s darkest moments of war or depression, this conviction differentiated the then proud nation from the U.S.S.R., third world countries, and unstable regimes that might fall to dictatorship any moment. News blackouts, and the banning of a book or film of course occurred here or there, but these never seemed very serious events.

When the Thatcher government banned the sale of the novel, Spycatcher, in Britain, it was smuggled into the country from abroad, and reported in the press despite legal challenges. Humor was the public’s usual way of dealing with such things, and the banning of a book that most people could get ahold of, turned politics into a laughing stock. And not for the first or last time either. Before the outbreak of the Second World War, when Oswald Moseley’s “black shirt” fascists were parading through London, Lady Astor commented that if they should ever gain power the British people would die laughing. How prophetic this was. A few years later Charlie Chaplin denounced and mocked the Nazis in his film, The Great Dictator, even as prime minister Neville Chamberlain sort to win “peace for our time” by appeasing Hitler.

In the 1980s and early 1990s the satirical puppet show, Spitting Image, which mocked the politicians of the time, became a staple of television viewing, even for those who generally did not like television that much. The puppets were grotesque, but politics at that time – and before that time – was raw, unscripted. Thatcher, like other leaders, spoke from the gut as well as the brain, and the picture was not always pretty, but it was human, and it represented the British people. In an excellent op-ed piece for The Daily Mail recently, Lord Tebbit – Thatcher’s once right-hand man – spoke of his love for his puppet-portrayal as a “leather-clad bovver boy,” his dismay at the banal, politically correct, mainstream parties who seem indistinguishable from one another, and constant political failings that are, “so ridiculous that it is beyond satire.”

Political correctness has cowed society and politics, and trodden down common sense and humor. Unlike the defiant, bawdy Brit of the past, today he thinks before he speaks, running through the list of forbidden words, and making sure not to let one slip. And so much now is taboo. The English Democrats Party is under investigation for racism, for using the term, “tartan tax,” a student was arrested for calling a police horse “gay,” and, if you need to see the proof of such extreme “politically correct” intolerance, a Youtube video showing a young man being arrested for singing, “I’d rather wear a turban” (deemed racist by the arresting officer), can be seen here.

A common language is one of the traditional, defining marks of a nation, and the criminalization of words will have a very profound consequence for the British. Though rarely acknowledged as such, humor is another defining mark, and one that makes use of the nation’s language in particular ways that relies on the audience having a good general knowledge of culture, history, and politics. Notably, Voltaire once commented that tragedies could be translated from one tongue to another, but that comedies could not. Anyone wishing to grasp the English comedy would need to, “spend three years in London, to make yourself master of the English tongue, and to frequent the playhouse every night,” he suggested.

Political correctness has changed British politics and society, the latter of which has been famed for its ability to laugh at itself – an ability that has certainly helped to keep it free and democratic. Extremists – whether of the fascist, politically correct, or Islamic type – are united in their suspicion – even rejection – of humor. Humor shows them for what they really are. When the “Mohammed cartoons” provoked riots and death threats by Islamic radicals, Jack Straw could only remark,

I said at the time that the cartoons were reprinted in Europe – though not here in the United Kingdom – that doing so was needlessly insensitive and disrespectful. The right to freedom of expression is a broad one and something which this country has long held dear. […] But the existence of such a right does not mean that it is right – morally right, politically right, socially right – to exercise that freedom without regard to the feelings of others.

With those words Straw beheads the figure of humor before our eyes, in order to appease those who might be offended. Not every Muslim is humorless, of course, and in the U.S., for example, there is a comedy show called “Allah made me funny,” with Muslim comedians who are able to poke fun at themselves. The show was the initiative of Preacher Moss, who wanted to bridge the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims after 9/11. Yet in Britain we see that appeasement has become de facto policy of the “liberal” media, with various controversial words or subjects banned. Ben Elton – a comedian and author once noted for his staunchly Left-wing politics – recently accused the B.B.C. of being too “scared” to poke fun at radical Islam, noting that he was even told not to use the entirely innocuous phrase, “Mohammed came to the mountain” apparently for fear of the consequences.

A few days ago, it emerged that the B.B.C. and rival television broadcaster I.T.V. insisted that the Christian Choice political party make changes to the language of its electoral broadcast concerning their opposition to the building of Europe’s largest mosque in London. The party had described Tablighi Jamaat, the group behind its planning, as “separatist,” and noted that some “moderate Muslims” were against the mega-mosque. But the B.B.C. was worried, and insisted the group be described as “controversial” instead. And, it disallowed the term “moderate Muslims” as it implied that Tablighi Jamaat was not moderate. I.T.V. would not even allow the group to be described as “controversial,” although this would certainly appear to be an appropriate – if mild – term. Tablighi Jamaat is opposed to Muslims mixing with non-Muslims, and wants to separate their flock from Jews and Christians by – according to one of their advocates in Britain – creating, “such hatred for their ways as human beings have for urine and excreta.”

Ten years ago, we would have laughed at a comedy sketch in which people were banned from describing hate mongers as “controversial.” We would have laughed at a sketch of a student being arrested for calling a horse “gay.” The lunacy of it all seems so Monty Python or Spitting Image, yet this is the reality of modern Britain.

But I wonder if bawdy, rowdy humor is not now being confined to the past, and along with it an entire way of thinking, and an effective weapon that has proved the best defense of common sense and ordinary people. Gone, it seems, is the type of politician that was feisty and unapologetic in the pursuit of liberty. Contrast Churchill – drinker, cigar smoker, and a man with a quick wit and sharp tongue – with those who embody modern politics – Gordon Brown, Jack Straw, Ken Livingstone, Tony Blair, or David Cameron – and one cannot help but feel that the future of Britain may be no laughing matter.


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