Sunday 2 September 2007


Apparently the British are world renowned as moaners and whingers . Always blaming things on "them and they". Expecting others to do things for us because its beneath us to stand and be counted, but quick to blame others for trying. Others have their heads up their arses and live a life of denial saying things like "I am alright", "Can't be arsked", "wont make any difference", "If it gets worse I'm off" and many more which I have heard.
Ignorance is no excuse, you are all aware of the dangers facing this country right now, I will not even try to educate you as to what the dangers are if you are so thick as to what is going on. I consider you to be part of the problem.
Now many of you would travel the length of this country to go to a football match, a gig, a music festival , a dog show, to save the planet, for the suffering in the world, for your pensions.
Would you inconvenience your self to save your country? To march peacefully, to make your objections known, to maintain your freedom?
There are some who are prepared and some who work bloody hard to make a stand and speak out, but there are way too many who expect us to do this on their behalf and do absolutely nothing.
We need to do this for ourselves and our children. What excuses will you make up?
There is nothing more important than our country and our children's future. We demand to be heard. Saturday 27th October

There is now just a matter of weeks before Brown signs the new EU Constitution Treaty, and so joins the long list of traitor Labour and Tory PMs - Heath, Wilson, Thatcher, Major and Blair - who have hammered the EU nails into the coffin of British freedom. It is important that we make a special effort to make it a matter of public record that the British National Party opposes this treason, practically as well as in principle. In addition, the continued spiral of demoralisation in the electorally irrelevent UKIP makes this a crucial time for the BNP to press to become seen as a major player in the Euro-realist, anti-EU camp.

You may already have seen on the Internet calls for patriots to get involved with the ambitious plans for a pro-Referendum Rally being organised by Dr. Jonathan Wilson. What you will not know is that Dr. Wilson - despite saying that all anti-EU bodies have been invited to join the rally - has refused to invite the BNP. Well, we're going anyway!

Either the rally will fall far below the 500,000 hoped for by the organisers (the likely result of the deliberate shutting out of the only anti-EU party with any serious nationwide organisational structure and a memvbership not propped up on zimmer frames) or it will be surprisingly successful. If the former, then we need to be there in serious numbers to show how central the BNP is to the fight for British freedom. If the latter, then we need to be well represented in the crowds so as to make them as large and effective as possible - and to win new recruits with a show of polite and well-behaved strength.

Being far more realistic than the naive anti-EU lobby, we do not believe that anything that we peasants do will 'force' Brown to have a Referendum. We know that the only way he'll call one is if he's sure he can win it - just as the Europhiles rigged the one in 1975. But that's not the point. The achievable aim is not to stop Brown acting undemocratically, but simply to raise public consciousness of the fact that he is acting undemocratically, and that the whole EU project lacks any democratic mandate. We don't care what Treaties the politicians sign, because - provided we can mobilise enough public anger - once we're in power we'll simply rip them up!

The process of getting that power will be greatly speeded up if we can bring on board more of the good-hearted but naive activists who are realising that they've been wasting their time with the UKIP sideshow and various paper anti-EU groups. The extract below from the latest from the Referendum Campaign shows very clearly how the whole thing - at the organisational stage as well as on the day itself - is almost custom-built as a giant recruitment opportunity for the British National Party. Please read their bulletin carefully and - without mentioning or giving away your BNP connection - register as a supporter and a local volunteer on their website.

When the organisers put you in touch with other local signatories, work with them to organise transport and maximum attendence (make sure that if you get involved with hiring transport that you insist on full payment in advance so as not to end up forking out for useless Tory types who fail to turn up if it rains!) We will produce the appropriate recruitments aids and finalise our precise plans when we have a better idea of how many demonstrators - and how many BNP activists - will be marching through Central London on Saturday 27th October


This is not just about the BNP, we have 120 Labour MP's who want a referendum, we have Liberals, Conservatives, UKIP and many others. This is a cross party national march by the British people for their hard won rights.
There are many things which we dont agree on but this is something we all agree on.

So, what are you doing on 27th october 2007?


The Green Arrow said...

Good work Defender and some good articles on your site.

Barnsley Nationalist said...

Welcome to the blogosphere.
Keep up the great work.

Barnsley Nationalist said...
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Can we bring Peace to Afganistan

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Hi there,

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